ПН - СБ  9.00 - 19.00

вск 9.00 - 14.00

Полимер сетка

The factory for manufacturing and wholesale distribution of shade net and vegetable mesh bags 

e-mail: polimersetka@ukr.net

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Краща сітка переможець в номінації -  Вибір Року

068 09 25 116

The shading grid wholesale the price

is from 0,15 $ for sq.m

   Why is it the company “Polymer Net” that people choose

    We control the production of shade net and vegetable net at all the stages, so we can guarantee high quality of each batch.Owing to the availability of in-hщme production capacities, the shipment of any quantity of net will be done as soon as possible.We are committed to trusting relationships with our partners and are  always focused  on a customer’s needs.                                                          
    The employees of our company are well acquainted with their work and have extensive experience, so they can always recommend you the perfect choice of  shade net grid and vegetable net which is necessary for a single aim. They are responsible fulfilling their duties, so you can lot upon a high level of customer service.                                                                           
    If you want to acquaint yourself with the characteristics of the products offered, as well as price policy, you can do it on our website  in the relevant categories. We will be glad to answer all your questions,  just call +38 099 66 84 270, or use the contact form, indicating your name, phone, email address and the question itself.                                                                           
    What products are profitable to buy by wholesale in 2020? What product will be high-demand in 2020? What products can be sold with the highest profitability in 2020? We can assure you that purchasing our shade net and vegetable net you get maximum income and profitability.                           
    We top the list of Shade net manufacturers in such categories as quality, reliability and price policy.
You should remember that working directly with our plant you get the best shade net and vegetable grid at the best price and the net will retain its excellent performance over time. Call us right now!  


All the  products are manufactured by German equipment

About us
Our advantages

As we are manufacturers, we offer the lowest wholesale price for shade net in Ukraine.

All the products that we manufacture  are made according to the national standard  with quality control, unlike samples produced in China.

Buying shade net from our factory will help save substantially on transportation and customs services, compared to purchases from abroad.

All the shade net and vegetable net produced are on stock.

   We are the first factory in Ukraine for the production of shade net and all types of vegetable net.


Currently we are the leaders as for the quality of shade net and vegetable net.

A set of stages and in-house operations were undertaken to succeed in our object:

STAGE 1. The staff of our laboratory has developed and patented unique supplements that are added to the structure of the shade net, increasing by 400% resistance to UV rays. The cloth does not dry out, crumble or ruin from direct sunlight.                                                            

STAGE 2.  By using the latest polymeric dyes we have achieved the production of the shade net that does not fade in the sun and retains its original color range for longer.

STAGE 3. Adding a special additive Carbotol * ТМ to shade and vegetable nets made it possible to  increase their strength and ability to withstand  heavy loads which could lead to tensile and break.        

   How to be our partner?


   The  factory “Polymer Net” is interested in expanding sales of shade  and vegetable net in various regions of Ukraine.

If you want to create a greater variety of products, we will surely find cooperation options. Various levels of cooperation are possible. You can be a dealer, agent, partner, wholesale buyer of the goods we produce. We provide our partners with special prices.                                                        

   If you are interested in our offer, you can fill out a special form to buy shade or vegetable net. For the  form -  CLICK the button below.

+38 099 66 84 270

   In the process

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In the process
